© Lynne Hall and Alison France 2008-2025   All rights reserved.      Last updated 04/01/2025   Cookie and Privacy Policies

Family History Research Over 40 years of Family History Experience experience.

After many years of researching our own family, we began to research for others.  If you would be interested in having us look for your ancestors, please get in touch.  We can provide a simple tree, research just one surname or try to get all your family lines as far back as we can, and we don’t charge for our time.   Click here to find further information

We have  also decided to share our large databases of baptisms, marriages and burials.   Getting these online will take several months, so please keep checking for additions.   For those, please see our data pages

We have three other websites which may be of interest -

www.usmkgenealogy.co.uk - this site provides details of all the people we have researched and is freely available.  Tell us who is of interest to you and we will send you what we know.  There are also images of some of the parishes we have visited.  


www.usmkfamilyhistory.com provides an overview of all sources that we have collected over the years, lists some of the people researched and the places where they lived and shows extensive lists of probate records either read, copied or transcribed.  

 www.usmk.net - has our own family history.  We also have hundreds of will transcripts.  

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Our other websites