© Lynne Hall and Alison France 2008-2024   All rights reserved.      Last updated 30/05/2024   Cookie and Privacy Policies

We learnt at an early stage that family historians are addicted to mysteries and solving clues, and we are no exception.  If you’re stuck with a particular ancestor, or just want to bounce some ideas off someone else, then please get in touch.  

We do not run a business, but we have now produced 66 family trees in book form for people we know.  We research the trees, taking every line as far back as we can and, if possible, go to visit the places where families lived and provide photographs. We do not give you computer generated reports as many researchers do, but write the stories of your ancestors ourselves, ranging from booklets of 15 to 20 pages for single lines of a family to over 200 pages for multiple lines of ancestry.  Whether it’s one surname or an entire tree, we’d like to help.  We don’t charge an hourly rate or, in fact, anything for our time, but will need  you to specify a sum of money which you are willing to pay for the necessary certificates (it is not possible to research correctly from just the Civil Indexes), other resources and the printing of the book.  Past projects have cost between £25 and £500 - it depends simply on how much you want to know and how much you are prepared to fund.   There’s no catch.  We love to research and will do it for free.   

If you’re interested in any help at all, or would

like further information,  please contact us.

Family History Research
